Thank You Notes from Scholarship Recipients

The following words of appreciation are excerpts from a sampling of the many notes received at the Salem High School Alumni Association office.

FROM 2024 

“I am so very grateful and honored to have received a scholarship this year [the John R. Stratton and Carolyn Webster-Stratton Medical Student Scholarship]. You have supported me since college and now into medical school. I would not have been able to make it this far without your support! When I was in high school, I wasn’t even sure if further education was a possibility for me, but the support of [SHSAA] has made that and so much more a reality for me. Knowing I have a community at home that believes in me reminds me to keep going on the hardest days. You are changing lives for many and especially for those with hardships in their families or who are first generation students. Just know that I plan to give back someday and want to keep furthering all your efforts. For me it made all the difference and I will never forget that! “~ Catherine Jones ’16.

“I count myself lucky to live in a town with such an amazing alumni association to help support me after graduation. All the hard work and generosity is truly appreciated by myself and all other graduates of Salem High School. This year I received $5000 for the Doc Pardee Music Scholarship and for that I am thankful!” ~ Logan Hovorka ’23.

“I deeply appreciate the money that was awarded me to further my education at Kent State Salem University for early childhood education! I am so thrilled and this is going to help so much with my future endeavors.”~Abigail Heverly ’24.

“Thank you for awarding me the John P. Sharp Jr. Engineering Scholarship. This scholarship will help me pursue my dream of obtaining a civil engineering degree within these next couple of years. Through your generosity, I can attend college with little tuition fees next year. Thank you for the scholarship and for the continued support of SHS alumni pursuing higher education degrees.”~ Davin Koskinen ’22.

“I would like to express my gratitude for the scholarship I have been awarded. I’m very thankful to have received the Florence C. Schafer Scholarship. This allows me to continue my academics this summer and keep on track for the fall semester. I would also like to thank the staff at the alumni association for all of their work behind the scenes. Once again, thank you for believing in my potential and investing in my education.” ~Andre Tonkinson ’19.

“I want to personally thank you for your generous scholarship. The scholarship money will help me pay for the tuition at The Ohio State University as I pursue a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience. From there, I plan to attend medical school. My ultimate goal is to receive a medical degree and become a neurosurgeon. Thank you again for your incredible generosity and support. The financial assistance you granted me will help me achieve all my future goals.” ~Amber Forkel ‘24

“Thank you so much for the scholarship. It means so much to me on achieving $1000 for college. I’ve been dreaming about my major since I was eight years old. Thanks to you I can now use the money for my books for college.” ~ Eli Martin ’24.

“I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for being selected as a recipient of the 2024 Max Fisher Athletic Scholarship and the J. Robert Sebo Achievement Scholarship. It is an honor and privilege to be chosen . . . . Receiving the scholarship means more to me than words can express. Not only does it provide financial assistance for my education, but it also serves as a reminder of the unwavering support and encouragement. I have received from my incredible community.” ~Sara McCoy ‘24

“Thank you for presenting me with a Nancy Hickey Healthcare Scholarship. It is much appreciated and will be put towards my college education. Thank you again.”~Elizabeth Kidd ’24.

“I would like to personally thank you for awarding me this generous Academic Merit Scholarship. The scholarship will greatly help me take the next step in my academic career and attend college. When I go onto graduate college with a degree in early childhood education, I will remember that I did it with this amazing alumni association helping me and cheering me on from my hometown.”~ Megan Miller ’24.

“Thank you for your continual and unconditional support of Salem graduates. I am honored to be part of an association characterized by prestige, honor, and success. I will use my award to further the development of my education, and I will remember Salem fondly.” ~Will Madison ‘24.

 “From the bottom of my heart thank you. Thank you for being a pillar support in the city of Salem and for being such a generous organization. I was blessed to receive the Academic Merit Scholarship, GPA 4.0, and I can’t fully express how beneficial this will be to me. [Also] thank you for awarding me the Class of 1966 Scholarship. It is a great honor to be recognized among my many wonderful peers . . . . ”~Mallory Hudson  ‘24.

“Thank you very much for the opportunity to receive this scholarship. The financial aid is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to keeping the SHS Alumni Association close to my heart throughout my college years.”~Emma Hammers ‘24

“I am deeply grateful for the Merit Scholarship awarded to me. This generous gift is a huge help and motivates me to excel. Thank you for your generosity.”~ Peyton Campf ’24.

“The scholarship [Fox Medical Scholarship] will allow me to continue my DPT [Doctor of Physical Therapy] education . . . . Thank you very much for considering me and choosing me for the scholarship.” ~Joshua Michael Young ’19 (Go Quakers!)

“I am very thankful to have been awarded the Fred and Dana Gaunt Pharmacy Scholarship. This will really help me to achieve my future goals. I appreciate your continued support.”~Zack Martin ’17.

“With a thankful heart, I am reaching out to share my appreciation for awarding me with a John F. Cone Humanities Scholarship. The scholarship will assist me in achieving my educational goals and career dreams. Words cannot describe how incredible SHSAA is and the amount they help students in the community.”~ Molly Hopple ’22.

“I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude for choosing me a recipient of the Hickey Metal Scholarship. This will help me pay for my last year of schooling. . . . Thank you for everything the alumni association does.”~ Brock Young ’22.

“Thank you for awarding me with the Emma Bauman Holmes Vocational Scholarship. It will truly make a positive difference in my life, and I am incredibly grateful. This money will go toward my education at the Community College of Beaver County. There I will work towards earning my qualifications and credits to become an aircraft controller.”~Noah Frank ‘24

“Thank you for the generous scholarship. I am very grateful to receive this gift. I will be using it to further my education at Virginia Tech studying business administration.”~ Carson Rhodes ’24.

“I would like to express my thanks to everyone involved for my 3.9 GPA scholarship. Earning the scholarship shows that people believe in my future academic success and are willing to invest in that belief. I also want to extend thanks to the staff and donors. To the staff at Salem, thank you for giving me the opportunity to reach the point I’ve gotten to now. To the donors, thank you for being able to spare some time and money in order to help the graduating class of 2024. . . .”~Chase Poffenberger ’24.

“It is with deepest thanks that I express my gratitude to your organization for the distribution of the Academic Merit Scholarship to me. . . . Without your scholarship, I would not have been able to afford my tuition without taking out maximum loans, which no first year college student wishes to do. I am greatly honored to join my family and friends as a member of one of the most generous and community- oriented alumni associations in the country.”~ Isabella Beery ’24.

“Thank you for awarding me the John P. Sharp Jr. Outstanding Performance Scholarship. Incredibly humbled by this recognition . . ., I look forward to continuing to represent the Salem community in all endeavors I partake. Because of the dedication of this association, I am able to further pursue my dreams that stemmed from the walls of Salem High School.”~ Kyla Jamison ’21.

“I would like to give you my sincere gratitude for the $5000 Academic Merit Scholarship you granted to me. . . . It will help me overcome the financial burden that comes with pursuing a college education. I will be using the scholarship toward my education at Youngstown State University where I have high hopes of becoming a doctor of physical therapy. Thank you for investing into my education.”~ Megan Stafford ‘24.

“Thank you so much for awarding me such a generous scholarship [Virginia E. Snyder English Scholarship]! College has been a huge adjustment, but so far I’ve loved all of my classes and I am so excited to continue learning. Thank you for awarding me not only a scholarship but also the peace of mind and confidence that come with it.”~ Angela McCracken ‘23.


FROM 2023

"The words 'thank you' do not seem enough. I have the deepest level of appreciation and gratitude for all of you. Thank you for granting me this generous scholarship. I will be putting this scholarship towards my MSN (Masters in the Science of Nursing) and FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner) degree. Starting as a new nurse at the height of the pandemic was challenging but it made me realize that more primary care providers are needed throughout the healthcare industry. I went back to school as soon as I gained enough experience to try and help fill that void with an eight-month-old baby at home, juggling school and everyday life, which is not always easy but this scholarship has given me hope, joy, and relieved financial stress. When I say I appreciate this scholarship more than you know, I sincerely mean that. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do."  Tori Jones ‘15

"It is an honor to receive the Salem Alumni Association Scholarship. I was thrilled to learn of my award and am deeply appreciative of your support. I am truly humbled by your generosity. I plan to start YSU in the fall and major in mechanical engineering. I will be living on campus so this money will allow me to help pay for tuition costs and books. I currently work at Subway and plan on working while in college to help defray some costs. This scholarship will allow me to work less hours and focus more on my studies. I, again, thank you so much for supporting our local youth and helping people like me with their college dreams."  Ronin Gallo ‘23

"I am honored to be a 2023 recipient of the Salem Academic Merit Scholarship and the Leon H. Colley Award. Being a student at Salem Senior High has been a great experience for me. I am grateful to the teachers and staff at SHS that have challenged and encouraged me throughout my high school career. They have helped me to become a better student and classmate. By awarding me these scholarships, I am able to focus on what is important to me which is furthering my education. I am grateful for everything the association does for the students at SHS and our community. Your financial generosity has allowed me to be one step further to my goal. I am attending Penn State this fall and am pursuing a major in Nursing. These scholarships and your foundation help make that possible for me and so many others. I hope one day to be able to give back to our community the way you have." Zoie Reid ‘23

"Thank you yet again for supporting my college journey. Thus far, with the help of alumni scholarships, I have completed 4 successful years, earned an associate degree in science, traveled to Spain for a month where I received my minor in Spanish and traveled Pine Ridge Native Reservation for nursing. Currently, I work vigorously to complete my Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Kent Salem whist continuing my travel and service efforts. As a junior nursing student, I am involved in the Students of Professional Nursing community outreach program at Kent, I plan to return to Pine Ridge this October to offer service to those who live there, and travel to Italy next summer to further my nursing path while immersed in another culture. In the future, I aspire to use my experience and wisdom to make a difference in the world and help to form a society that we are proud to leave behind. Without the gracious contribution from those at the Salem Alumni Association, I may not have been granted some of these opportunities and your support to make a change. For that I say thank you; I hope you enjoy following my journey!"  Chloe Chappell '19

"Thank you for the generous scholarship that I was awarded. Receiving this scholarship lessens the financial burden of a father with three young children attending college for the first time. This allows me to focus on my studies and less on the cost of daycare, diapers, and everyday needs of a family. Please accept my sincere appreciation for this scholarship and know that this has a significant impact on the life of my family.  Thank you."  Jordan Kyser '11

“It is an honor to be chosen for the John P. Sharp, Jr. Engineering Scholarship. Throughout my academic career, SHSAA has continued to support me with scholarships, allowing me to focus more on my studies instead of money. I’m truly grateful to have such an amazing alumni association that gives so much back.”  Elijah Shelhart ‘20


“I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the generous scholarship you awarded me for being valedictorian. The scholarship means a lot to me and will go a long way in helping me achieve my academic goals. I am honored to be recognized by the Salem High School Alumni Association, and I am grateful for your support of my education. . . . I also want to take a moment to thank you for everything you do for the community and for the students.  . . . Your efforts make a real difference in the lives of students like me. I’m grateful for all you do.”  Maria Sargent ‘23

 “I would like to express my gratitude to the Salem High School Alumni Association and the alumni of the Class of 1966 for the Academic Merit Scholarship and the Class of 1966 Scholarship. I’m extremely honored to be acknowledged for my academic success and to be chosen as the recipient of the Class of 1966 Scholarship award. Your support makes it possible for me to pursue higher education in computer science at the Ohio State University.”  Jiajie Chen ’23

 “I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and generosity. I am extremely honored to be one of the many SHS students receiving scholarships from the alumni association, and I appreciate everything SHSAA does to support students. Due to your belief in my academic career pursuits, I can study abroad with Messiah University’s International Business Institute. From these experiences I hope to make a palpable difference for migrants and families in the legal system.” Chloe Wilhelm '23

 “I am incredibly honored to have received the Memorial Society Award. . . . I plan to use it to further my education at the University of Akron in the field of chemical engineering. I’m thankful for the alumni association for giving me this chance to be able to go above and beyond in my education as well as have the opportunity to reach goals I have set for myself in this next academic year .”   Kyle Gentile ‘21

“Thank you for the generous scholarship. This Merit Scholarship will greatly help me in school. With this scholarship comes peace of mind about paying for school. You’ve allowed me not only to worry less about money, but also to focus a tremendous amount on my studies.” John Kidd ‘23

“I would like to say thank you so much for awarding me the Howard “Doc” Pardee Band Camp Scholarship. This money is truly helping me achieve a summer I’ve dreamt of and worked hard to make happen for years.” Ethan Shelhart ‘24

“Thank you for awarding me the E Blair Yerkey Memorial Ohio State University Scholarship. It is an honor and privilege to receive this award. It will help my continued pursuit of a degree from the Ohio State University. I am honored to be an SHS alumnus, and I hope to give back in the future.”  Lucas Ziegler ‘22

“I’d like to thank the entire association and all of those on the scholarship committee. I’m honored to have received the Greenisen College Leadership Scholarship and proud to be a Salem alumnus. I will make great use of this money as I continue my college journey at Mount Union. Thank you for all that you do for past, current, and future alumni of Salem High School. Go Quakers!”  Halle Cochran ‘21
FROM 2022

“. . . SHSAA has been extremely generous to me over the years and makes me proud to be a Salem Quaker.” Matthew Weingart16 ( Fox Medical Scholarship)

“Your work ensuring the futures of past and present Salem students does not go unnoticed. . . .” Nicolas Colbert ‘22

 “. . . With your generous donation I am able to continue my education at the University of Mount Union where I will be studying psychology to pursue a career in mental health therapy.”  Erin Malysa ‘22

“Thank you for awarding me the $2,500 Sharp Engineering Scholarship. I will use the money for tuition my senior year at YSU, completing my dual major in electrical engineering and computer science. I’ve enjoyed working in both areas through my two internships at the Goodyear Tire Company, and I plan on continuing my education through graduate school focusing on semiconductor technology. I realize what a unique opportunity it is for Salem graduates to receive postsecondary scholarships.  The number of alumni you help, along with the amount of money awarded, is astounding. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Todd Olson (Honored Alumnus) at this year‘s ceremony as he gave me my first job opportunity at BOC the summer of my senior year. Ethan Gill ‘19

  “It is with immense gratitude that I write to you to thank you for your continued financial support as I pursue my dream to become a nurse practitioner. . . .”  Brook Ackerman ‘14

“. . .The scholarship will help me further my education at the University of Cincinnati where I will be majoring in environmental science and geography.”  Andrew Wilson ‘22

“. . . I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for your help with my college expenses.” Blaize Exline ‘22

“Thank you for the $6,000 4.0 GPA Academic Merit Scholarship and the $5,000 Class of 1966 Scholarship. I appreciate the awards and everything the association has done . . .” Colin Gallagher ‘22 

“I would like to thank you for your generosity in awarding me the Lois A. Peters Memorial Business Scholarship.  This award will help alleviate some of the financial burden presented by this upcoming school year. I will use the scholarship to honor the memory of Lois as I continue to work toward becoming a businesswoman just as she was. . . .” Holly Heestand ‘19

 “I am very excited to be one of this year‘s recipients of the Salem High School Alumni Association’s Academic Merit Scholarships. Thank you for your generosity and support as I continue my education at Youngstown State University to study education.  Receiving this honor means so much .  .  .  .” Hailey Meeks’22

“Thank you so much for everything you do. I cannot express my gratitude enough for everything you’ve done and continue to do for me and other Salem alumni. You helped me in my endeavors to become a nurse and are continuing to help me to further my education. It is greatly appreciated.”  Bethany Dotson  ‘17

 “I am extremely humbled and grateful for the Merit Scholarship. I am thankful to grow up in a city like Salem with such a great support system. The scholarship will be a great help as I continue my studies at YSU for business and pre-law.  In the future my hope is to be able to give back to the association that was so generous to me.”  Jack Wilson ‘22

 “I would like to thank all of you for the Doc Pardee Music Scholarship and the Academic Merit! These awards will help me so much with my college education.  I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.”    Josiah Haas ‘22

“Thank you for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship.  The money will be helpful as I pursue a degree in biochemistry at the Ohio State University.”   Lucas Ziegler ‘22

 “Thank you so much for the Greenisen College Leadership Scholarship as well as the opportunity to apply for it. I very much appreciate and am grateful for the money to pay my tuition.”  Amaya Martin ‘20

 “Thank you for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship. The monetary award is greatly appreciated and will be used to help further my education at the Ohio State University.”  Ian Ziegler  ‘22

“Thank you so much [for the Pardee Band Camp Scholarship]! I’m so glad that I am able to take part in this incredible experience thanks to your funding. I am truly honored you chose me for this scholarship."  Lainey Haas ‘24

“Education is my primary focus in life at the moment, and I am beyond blessed to have a community that supports me in my endeavors. Receiving the Memorial  Society Award has been a lifesaver as I take the next steps in life. I recently have moved to a house closer to campus so I can focus on my studies at both Youngstown State University and Northeastern Medical School. My main goal after receiving my doctorate will be to continue my practice in Salem. The Salem community is a big aspect in my life and I can’t wait to do my part in my community. Thank you for the continuous support these last couple of years. I guarantee I’ll make my community proud.”  Olivia Knauf ‘19

“Thank you very much for selecting me as the very first recipient of the Elizabeth Lowry Memorial Compassion Scholarship. It is a wonderful feeling knowing you believe I have the great qualities she had as well.   This scholarship will help me reach my goal of becoming a nurse at Kent State.”  Zora Waters-Peters ‘22

“Thank you so much for awarding me the John P. Sharp Outstanding Performance Scholarship. It means a lot to be recognized for my performance as an undergrad student. I am very excited to pursue a master’s degree and the scholarship will help me do that.  SHSAA has helped me tremendously throughout my college career, and words could never express how grateful I am.” Alyssa  Koskinen ‘18

“I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient of the SHS Class of 1968 Education Scholarship. Thank you to the Class of 1968 for your generosity in funding the scholarship which I will use toward furthering my education at Miami University in the fall.”   Caden Rohm ’22

“Thank you for a scholarship to help me further my education when I go to Walsh University this fall. The money awarded me will be going to my tuition. I truly appreciate your support and it is with your generosity that I will be able to attend the college of my choosing.”  Bailey Staudt ‘22

“Thank you for choosing me as the recipient of the Virginia Snyder English Scholarship this year. As I near the end of my undergraduate education at YSU, there are no words to describe my appreciation for this encouragement. Being able to study and pursue a career I love in English education without the stress of loans or debt has been made possible through your support. I am sincerely grateful for your continued support each and every year.”  Delaney Willoughby ‘19

“Thank you for the honor of the John Michael Pozniko Engineering Scholarship.  While my parents are helping financially, Ohio State is expensive, and I am very thankful to receive help."  To Mrs. Dorothy Pozniko Beam: "Thank you for making this scholarship possible.”  Drake Harkleroad ‘22

 “Thank you so much for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship. I truly appreciate your generosity and willingness to support me in my college endeavors. “  Julia Yuhanick ‘22

“Thank you so much for the generous scholarship. I will use it t continue my education at Youngstown State University.  Everything you do for the past and present students at SHS is amazing.”  Riley Troy ‘22

“Thank you so much for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship.  I will be attending YSU in the fall.  There I will be studying accounting and finance. I am very excited to be studying this. Thank you for helping me do so.”  Davin Koskinen’22

 “I want to thank everybody in the Alumni Association.  It truly means a lot to me to be receiving the scholarship. I can’t wait to put the scholarship money to my first year of college."  Corey Riesen ‘22

“I am honored to be one of this year’s recipients of the Academic Merit Scholarship. I  would like to personally thank you for all your generosity and making the scholarship possible. Thanks to the donors, the board members, and the scholarship committee members, I am able to use this generous scholarship to assist my further education at the University of Mount Union. I greatly appreciate the thoughtful gift--it will help significantly.” Hannah Bowers ‘22

 “I am both honored and thankful to be the receiving the Academic Merit Scholarship and the John Michael Pozniko Engineering Scholarship. It is with sincere gratitude that I write this letter. Thanks to everyone at the Alumni Association for their generosity and support. I will be attending Ferris State University this fall to pursue a bachelor of science degree in welding engineering technology. Receiving these scholarships will help me achieve academic success while decreasing financial burden.”  Samuel Murray ‘22

“Thank you to the donors, board members, scholarship committee, and other alumni who took the time to make these scholarships possible for the Class of 2022. As I further my education, my Academic Merit Scholarship will help immensely, and I greatly appreciate the kindness of this gift.”  Allyson Kirchgessner ‘22

FROM 2021

“Thank you so much for your incredible generosity in awarding me the Florence C. Schafer Award for the upcoming school year. I truly appreciate the Alumni Association and your continued support of SHS graduates. This award will help me pay for my final year at The Ohio State University before I begin law school, and I am very grateful.” Georgia McLachlan ‘18.

“I am honored and grateful to be a recipient of the Fox Medical Scholarship. I will put the scholarship to good use in my second year of medical school at Ohio University.” Matthew Weingart ‘16

“I want to send my gratitude to you for this generous gift of money through the Max Fisher Athletic Scholarship. It means a lot to me that I can focus on my schooling without worrying financially.” Lizzy Shontz ‘21

“The Nancy Hickey Healthcare Scholarship will assist me in paying my tuition during the coming semesters, allowing me to focus on my academic pursuits.  Without your contribution to my education, I may not have been able to maintain the grades necessary to achieve my professional goal of becoming  a Radiologic Technologist.  Thank you for your continued support and investment in my future.”  Barbara Gross ‘17

“. . . I am most appreciative for all those who gave back to the association to make these gifts possible. I’m also grateful for those who gave their time to be a part of the selection committee. Thanks to all who are behind this process. My hope is that some day I will be able to give back to Salem High School students and be a part of another Quaker’s journey to higher education.” Emily Manski ‘21

“… The scholarship will be extremely helpful in my future endeavors at Kent State University.  Once again thank you for all the kindness you have shown me.” Morgan McGaffick ‘21

 “I am honored to have been chosen for the Leon H. Colley Award. The lifetime of achievement of Mr. Colley and his wife Enid have left an amazing legacy of hard work, success, and generosity. The gift of the scholarship award is truly inspiring, and I hope to one day be able to help future generations the way they have. Thank you for investing in my education at the University of Pennsylvania. As I continue my academic and athletic careers, this award will help with college expenses.” Kyla Jamison ‘21

“Please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation for my Merit Scholarship award. It is truly an honor to be recognized for my hard work. I look forward to continuing my education and will strive to do my best as I attend the University of Akron.” Makenna While ‘21

“I am incredibly grateful and honored to have received the Academic Merit Scholarship. . . . I plan to use it the further my education at the University of Akron. Because of this funding the chance to make a change in the future has been made more obtainable. I cannot say thank you enough.” Kyle Gentile ‘21

“Thank you so much for blessing me with the Class of 1968 Education Scholarship. The scholarship means so much to me, and I’m so thankful to be receiving it. I am excited to attend YSU and pursue my passion to teach and mentor little kids! I’ve had so many wonderful teachers who helped shaped me into the person I am today that now I can’t wait to do the same for others! Thank you for helping me to make my dreams come true.” Kelly Hutton ‘21

“Thank you so much for your generosity in selecting me as this year’s recipient of the Nancy Hickey Memorial Healthcare Scholarship. That award allows me to begin pursuing my nursing degree at Cleveland State University this fall. I’m looking forward to continuing my education and eventually giving back to others, just as the Hickey family has done for me.” Haley L. Brant ‘21

“Thank you so much for awarding me the Charles Fox Medical Scholarship.  . . . This scholarship helps lighten my financial burden and allows me to focus more on learning and obtaining my master’s degree and become a Family Health Nurse Practitioner. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community that raised me.  Forever proud to be a Quaker!”  Katie Matthews Davanzo ‘13
 “I would like to thank you all for your generosity. Receiving a Merit Scholarship for my 4.0 GPA reminded me that hard work pays off and motivates me as I move onto the next chapter of my life. Once a Quaker always a Quaker!” Lily Secrest ‘21

“Thank you so much for helping me to pursue a degree at The Ohio State University through your Academic Merit Scholarship. The SHSAA is clearly among the best alumni associations in Ohio, if not in the whole country. I, along with the other scholarship recipients, am deeply grateful for the generosity of the SHSAA donors. I will work hard to make sure this scholarship  kickstarts a successful and  productive career.”  Jacob McLachlan ‘21

“I am so extremely grateful and blessed to have been gifted the $6000 scholarship award for my next chapter in life. . . .This award will help me tremendously and will allow me to reach the goals and dreams I have set for myself.  My future is looking so bright thanks to you, the best alumni. This association is so strong . . .and  I could not be more proud to be a part of it. . . .Thank you from the bottom my heart for this amazing gift and for the endless support in years down the road. Go Quakers!” Carlee M. Best ‘21

“Mrs. Beam, Thank you for helping me to pursue a degree in computer science engineering through the John Michael Pozniko Engineering Scholarship! I hope to mirror the strong work ethic and dedication of Mr. Pozniko as I attend The Ohio State University this fall. Your scholarship will help me just as it has helped many other  students, and for this I am grateful.” Jacob McLachlan ‘21

"I am honored to be the 2021 recipient of the John R. Stratton and Carolyn Webster-Stratton Medical Student Scholarship. This enormous gift will help me as I continue pursuing my M.D. at Northeast Ohio Medical University. Throughout the last year, I was asked on several occasions, “What makes Salem, Ohio special?” or “What should your hometown be known for?” Each time I was quick to answer -- the Salem High School Alumni Association.  . . . I take such pride in being part of this town and SHSAA. Thank you for helping me so much throughout my education and thank you for setting such a wonderful example of how to invest in our Salem community."  Kerry Dombroski '16

“Mr. Robert Hickey family, I am honored to be a recipient of a Nancy Hickey Memorial Healthcare Scholarship.  Thank you for supporting my academic career to become a radiologic technologist and my future plans to become a mammography technologist. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.” Casey Dickey ‘19

“Mr. and  Mrs. Greenisen, Thank you so much for the Greenisen College Leadership Scholarship. This award is not only a great honor, but it is helping me to make my study abroad trip to Belfast, Ireland, in the spring of 2022 a reality. Thank you again.”  Emma Kelly ‘19

“I would like to take a moment to thank you for your generosity towards giving me a scholarship. You’ve given me the opportunity to further my education in the psychology field, and I could not be more grateful. Thank you for everything you do!” Sierra Johnson ‘21

“Thank you for your support and assistance in my continued education. Nothing makes me more proud to be a Salem alum than the work you do to support current and past students. Embarking on my doctorate would’ve been far more challenging and likely would not have happened last fall if it weren’t for your support. Thank you for all that you’ve done and given me as well as others.” Brook Ackerman ‘14

“Thank you all so much for the scholarship! The generosity of the SHSAA is incredible and is such an asset to the community. I often think about what I’ve been awarded since graduation. I am more grateful than you all could imagine!” Erin Murphy ‘18

“Thank you! I am so honored to be selected as a recipient of the 2021 Charles Fox Medical Scholarship. This award will help me with school expenses and continuing my education. I am so proud to call myself a Salem Quaker!” Jesse Slocum ‘15


FROM 2020

"Despite all of the challenges we will be facing this semester I am excited to be entering the Salem Radiology program. I am honored to be the recipient of the J. Robert Sebo College Scholarship and it could not have come at a more needed time as the program will only become more intense as I progress through. The assistance of the association has unburdened me from much of the financial worries that have plagued me. I want to thank the association for helping me meet my goals for the future." Barbara Gross '17

"Thank you so much for rewarding me with the Leon H. Colley Scholarship. These funds will be used toward my college tuition as I study Environmental Policy and Political Science at The Ohio State University. I am fortunate to come from such a generous community that is willing to help Salem graduates succeed, and I am honored to accept this scholarship award." Cade Jakob Cushman '19

"I wanted to give a quick thanks to our Alumni Association for being so generous each and every year. You truly are a wonderful organization that helps out so many students at Salem. Thank you so much for making the awards ceremony so nice. Thank you so much for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship. This will help me out tremendously at Otterbein." Cameron Christopher '20

“I am beyond grateful for receiving this distinction. Knowing that my ability to get through college is more secure due to the generosity I've received is an honor I could never truly describe. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.” Robert Brownlee ‘20

“I would like to say thank you so very much to the alumni for the opportunity to further my education in Fashion Merchandising & Marketing at Kent State! I am very thankful for what I have received, and it will have a very positive impact on my college career!” Emily Weikart ‘20

"I am honored to be one of the recipients of the Charles Fox Medical Scholarship. . . . You helped me become the first in my family to attend college and complete my bachelor's degree. With your continued support I am now on the next path to complete my master's in business administration and science of nursing leadership. I am currently enrolled in a dual MSN/MBA program through Grand Canyon University . . . . I am an actively practicing pediatric ER nurse at Akron Children's Hospital. Without your continued support I wouldn't be able to achieve the goals I've set for myself to fulfill my professional ambition to become a leader in the nursing community. Thank you for your generosity during my journey. I will be forever grateful for your support and investment in my future." Blake Veglia 2013

"I would like to take the time to thank everyone at the Salem High School Alumni Association for this amazing scholarship award. Salem High School is very blessed to have an incredible alumni association, and I am extremely thankful for that. I will be attending Fairmont State University this fall to begin studying Civil Engineering and continue my football career. The scholarship I have received from the SHSAA will really help me in pursuit of my future goals and aspirations." Cade Campolito '20

"Even though this school year was not what anyone wanted, thank you for everything you've done. This scholarship will help me tremendously at New Castle School of Trades and will help me start my career in the future. Thank you again!" Isaac Turnbull '20

"Thank you so much for the Max Fisher Scholarship. You guys are amazing to our Quaker family! Proud to be a Quaker!" Logan Stecker '20

Thank you for awarding me the Howard (Doc) Pardee Music Scholarship and the Academic Merit Scholarship. I am touched by this honor and appreciate your generosity towards me. This year didn't end as I had hoped, but this was an unexpected positive in the midst of so many disappointments. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of my life and grateful for everything you've done to be a part of it." Kaitlynn Haas '20

“Thank you so much for selecting me for the Greenisen College Leadership Scholarship. I am immensely grateful for your support in my pursuit of becoming a Doctorate Nurse Practitioner. A week prior to hearing that I have been selected, I learned that my hospital will not have a tuition support program any longer due to the current economy. Your letter couldn’t have come at a better time.” Brook Ackerman ‘14

"I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient of the Salem High School Class of 1968 Scholarship. Thank you for your generosity, which will allow me to continue to pursue a bachelor's degree in elementary and special needs education at Westminster College. Because of your scholarship I hope to educate and inspire future generations." Brock Powell '19

"Thank you so much for the generous scholarship! You do amazing things for past and present students. I am proud to be a Quaker!" Taylor Troy '20

"Thank you so much for awarding me the Charles Fox Medical Scholarship. The financial assistance I have received will help toward my goal to become a family nurse practitioner. I am so thankful to be a Quaker and have the support from the alumni association." Laura (Brown) Selway '11

“Thank you for the gift at the Floyd and Cora May Reich Stone Vocational Scholarship. I look forward to the opportunity to further my education at Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics, Youngstown campus, and to a lifelong career in the airline industry.” Theodore Pittman ‘20

“Thank you so much for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship. The money will greatly help me pay my tuition at Loyola University Chicago this year. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!” Alexis L. Rossi ‘20

“Thank you for the very generous scholarship [Memorial Book Award] . I am very fortunate to live in a town where supporting alumni in their post secondary education is so important. The scholarships I have been awarded through the years have no doubt allowed me to succeed during my time at the University of Mount Union.” Josh Andrews ’17.

“Thank you so much for the very generous scholarship [Nancy Hickey Memorial Healthcare Scholarship]. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the Salem High School Alumni Association. The scholarships I have received have allowed me to begin to achieve my goals without the worry of debt. What the SHSAA does for SHSAA alumni is amazing and is something I will be forever grateful for.” Erin Murphy

“Thank you for selecting me to receive these honors and for giving me opportunities to further my education with the generous scholarships [Merit and SHS Class of 1966 Scholarship] you’ve given me.” Elizabeth Gillis’20

“I am very honored to have been chosen for the scholarships [Merit and Greenisen Leadership] that I have received. This will help me greatly financially. Thank you.” Jackson Kemats ‘20

“Thank you for your support and the opportunity to apply for scholarships. These scholarships not only help me out but also every other student.” Hunter Christopher ‘20

FROM 2019

"Thank you for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship. I plan to attend Notre Dame College to study in the medical field. This scholarship will help with the financial cost of furthering my education. I am appreciative that our community has recognized myself and my fellow recipients on our hard work. I am thankful that our Alumni Association is unlike any other in terms of investing in the future endeavors of its students. The generosity, support, and involvement from the community do not go unnoticed. I would like to thank my teachers who have pushed me to better myself throughout the years that has gotten me to this point. I would also like to thank my parents for their constant support. They taught me to strive to be the best I can be with whatever I chose to do. Thank you to the Alumni Association for the support in my future plans." Haley Gaither '19

“I want to thank you for the invitation and dinner at the alumni banquet. I felt fortunate to receive two scholarships –the Academic Merit and the John Michael Pozniko Engineering. I’ve always wanted to be an engineer and was particularly proud to receive this honor. The generosity of the alumni association will allow me not only to attend YSU but also to stay on campus. I will be able to take advantage of the variety of activities the honors dorm provides while still focusing on my studies.”Ethan Gill ‘19

“Thank you for the Academic Merit Scholarship and Memorial Book Award. The scholarships will help greatly in my future endeavors.” Zach Tungate ‘19

“Thank you for the very generous scholarship. I’m very excited to be selected for the Greenisen Leadership Scholarship. This is truly an honor. I cannot thank you all enough for supporting me on my journey to culinary school.” Ashley Foster ‘16

“Thank you for the scholarship. It will help me so much in paying for school. Tuition has always been a concern for me, and your generous scholarship will help ease my concern and allow me to focus on my schoolwork.” John Paul Yuhanick ‘19

“Thank you for the generosity and aid I’ve received to supplement my education. I am eternally grateful to the Alumni Association and Stratton family for contributing to my education years after I’ve graduated. I look forward to being able to return the favor and give back to the community as I achieve my lifelong goal of becoming a physician.”Carson Herron ’14 [this year, the recipient of the John R. Stratton and Carolyn Webster-Stratton Medical Student Scholarship]

“I am honored to be selected as this year’s recipient of the John P. Sharp Jr. Outstanding Performance Scholarship. A large part of my success is due to the generous financial support of the Salem High School Alumni Association, and the many citizens of Salem who have assisted me along my college journey. . . . I am proud to be a product of such a loving community. I will graduate with double majors in plant sciences in spring 2020 from North Carolina State University. . . .As I navigate through some big decisions in the next few years, I will always remember the support of my hometown. . . .The scholarship I received will be used wisely and with purpose. . . .I wish to thank the scholarship committee, the Salem High School Alumni Association, and all who have supported students like myself.”Owen Washam ‘16

FROM 2018

"Thank you so much for awarding me the J. Robert Sebo College Scholarship. I am extremely fortunate to come from a community that, so generously, invests in its youths' future. That is one of the many reasons that make Salem so great. I can not express how big of an impact this organization has had on my life." Emma K. Minamyer '17

"Thank you for the Academic Merit Scholarship. I can not imagine how much time and effort go into setting up everything you do. I am beyond grateful that such an amazing organization is here. Without your generous scholarship, college would be much more stressful. Thank you for making getting a degree more obtainable." Katie Yuhanick '18

"I am incredibly honored to be chosen for the 2018 Lois Peters Memorial Business Scholarship. Thank you for believing in me and my future." Alexis VanHorn ‘18

"I want to thank you the Alumni Association for granting me scholarship money. It will help me immensely in my college career, and it will help me pursue my dream of becoming a doctor." Grace Irey’18

"I am beyond grateful for the generous scholarship [the Greenisen Leadership Scholarship] that I had the privilege and honor to receive from you. . . . I will be attending Kent State University this fall and majoring in nursing. There I will continue to execute each opportunity given to be a leader. Again thank you for supporting me in my future endeavors." Corrin Erskine ‘18

"Class of 1968, It is such an honor to have been the first person chosen to receive such an amazing and thoughtful scholarship. With college being so expensive you have lifted a portion of the stress, and I will be able to focus more of my attention on my future students. Thank you again, Class of 1968, for your generosity and help." Katelin Chilton ‘18

"To those involved with the Max Fisher Athletic Scholarship, I wanted to explain how honored I am to receive the scholarship. The money will be put to good use, and I cannot thank you enough for this generosity. My orientation at YSU was yesterday, and I am excited to start school. I hope that one day after I pursue my career as a nurse, you can look at me and say, 'Wow, we definitely made the right choice in picking Dakotah.' I am glad you saw me as a worthy candidate and can’t thank you enough!" Dakotah Sommers ‘18

I would like to thank the scholarship committee at the Salem High School Alumni Association for honoring me with the Emma Bauman Holmes Vocational Scholarship for 2018. It will be a great help to me financially as I enter Hocking College this fall to pursue a career in early childhood education. I appreciate the faith and trust you’ve showed in me by awarding me this scholarship. I will do all I can to achieve my goals and show that you made the right decision."Koltyn Welch ‘18

Thank you for awarding me the Academic Merit Scholarship. I appreciate the acknowledgement of the hard work that I have put in these last four years. With this money I will be able to attend West Virginia University and major in Pre-occupational Therapy. I hope to impact the lives of those around me with this degree. Thank you for helping me chase my dreams. Alyssa Koskinen ‘18

FROM 2017

"My lifelong dream of becoming an elementary teacher is almost to its end in the college classroom, thanks to generous scholarships like yours. I will always be grateful for all the support I received from this association, which pushed me to my highest potential." Brittany Skiba '14

"It's so reassuring to have a foundation of support in your hometown. Thank you for investing in future generations." Katie Howell '16

"Not only has the alumni association provided financial support, but it has also given me a new sense of community. As I sat and listened to the speakers and the Honored Alumnus during the Alumni Banquet, it became more evident that I was about to join a group of successful, service-based, sincere people, coming from the same place I did. . . . As I go off to experience the world and what it has to offer, to follow my dreams wherever they take me, I can go knowing that I have a community of support and a family who's waiting for me to come home." Cody Tonkinson '17

"Thank you so much for awarding me the Nancy Hickey Memorial Healthcare Scholarship! It will definitely help me further my education and become a nurse." Ayla Mroczkowski '17

"Thank you for the honor of receiving the Florence C. Schafer Award. . . . This summer I will be participating in an internship on a Naval Base in Guam, and I now feel more confident coming back with funds available for my fourth year of college. I would not be able to gain these educational and cultural experiences without your generous and continuous support." Cassandra Wood '14

"Thank you so much for the Greenisen College Leadership Scholarship and the continued support! . . . the love and support I have experienced from my fellow Quakers encourages me to work my hardest and to reach for the stars. . . . I quoted Oprah Winfrey in my high school graduation speech: 'Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.' Thank you for providing me with my passport and the ability to fill the pages with stamps of various experiences." Shouting 'Go Quakers' from D.C. this summer, Emma Wilson '14

"Thank you so much for awarding me the Leon H. Colley award. It really means a lot to me that I was selected for this scholarship. Mr. Colley's community involvement is something that I aspire to. I will be majoring in Microbiology at Miami University. The financial assistance you have provided will be of great help to me, allowing me to concentrate more of my time to studying." Collin Zimmerman '17

"It is an honor to be awarded the Charles Fox Medical Scholarship. I am so thankful to be from a community like Salem. Even though I graduated seven years ago, the people of Salem continue to help me accomplish my goals. Thank you so much for this incredibly generous gift." Amy Scullion '10

"Thank you for the generous scholarship. It is greatly appreciated and will enable me to pursue a degree in nursing." Paige Jenkins '17

"I will do my best to live up to the purpose of these scholarships by being an active leader and a tenacious scholar." Kole Zellers '17

FROM 2016

"I am sincerely honored to have been selected as one of the recipients for the Charles Fox Medical Scholarship. Thank you very much for your generosity. The assistance from this award has allowed me to be one step closer to my goal of becoming a nurse anesthetist. Additionally, I would like to thank you for the invitation to attend the SHSAA Award Dinner. This was an incredible experience that I will not soon forget." Bryan Hutson '01

"Thank you for the generous scholarship I received. I am so thankful to have grown up in a community that supports and cares for us young adults as we continue on our journey in life. No matter where I go or what I do in life, there will always be a little space in my heart for Salem." Chelsea Sedmak '16

"I am especially thankful this year to the Hickey family for awarding me with the Nancy Hickey Memorial Healthcare Scholarship. Your help and belief in me motivate me to continue working to do my best academically." Brook Ackerman '14

"Thank you for awarding me one of the 2016 Merit Scholarships. I will put it to good use as I continue my education at KSU. I plan to major in Criminology and Justice Studies, hoping one day I can help and serve the community." Mason Filaccio '16

"I will be attending Cleveland State University and pursuing a degree in biology. Thanks to your scholarship I am one step closer to achieving my medical degree. Considering the extraordinarily high costs of college, I know I would not be able to accomplish this on my own. Your generosity has pushed me to continue to work hard in order to accomplish my dreams and to prove that I am worthy of this scholarship." Madelyn Harter '16

Thank you for helping me and so many others with their careers and dreams. With this scholarship I will study musical theatre at Youngstown State University. Theatre is something I am very passionate about, and I have you to thank for helping me make my passion a lot easier to pursue." Jacob Nash '16

"My sincere gratitude for making the Academic Merit Scholarship and the John Michael Pozniko Engineering Scholarship possible. . . . I plan to major in Computer Engineering with hopes of pursuing a career in robotics. The financial assistance you provided will be of great help to me in paying my educational expenses and will allow me to concentrate more of my time on studying." Jarrod Polen '16

"Thank you for honoring me with Leon H. Colley Award. It means so much to have the support of the Alumni Association as I pursue my BSN." Ciara Andrews '12

"It is with much gratitude that I write this letter of appreciation to you for being selected as a recipient of the 2016 Academic Merit Scholarship. This scholarship will allow me to develop my skills through education . . . as I begin a journey towards an exciting career in the field of nutrition and dietetics." Kiersten Quinn '16

"Thank you for choosing me as one of the 2016 Merit Scholarship recipients. The scholarship is ultimately a steppingstone in the direction towards my life goal and dreams. Your generosity reminds me of the positive impact a small town organization can have towards aiding the youth of this amazing community." Sydney Green '16

FROM 2015

"My deepest thanks and gratitude for awarding me the John F. Cone Humanities Scholarship. With the help of this scholarship, I am able to take extra credits and graduate this June (one full year early)! With your help I am able to live my dreams and study in one of the best cities in the world for my line of work. It is the support I feel from your organization, the community of Salem, and my friends and family that makes it possible for me to be here doing what I love." Tyler Stouffer '12 [Tyler is studying acting at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Los Angeles.]

"Thank you so much for all of your financial support over the last few years! ... I will be completing a year-long internship with the organization Men Stopping Violence beginning in October in Atlanta. This would not have been possible without all of the support from SHSAA." Matthew Evans '12

"The generosity, hard work, and kindness of those involved with the Salem Alumni Association make them the best at supporting the community and the students of Salem High School. It makes me happy to know that others believe that I can accomplish my goal of becoming a registered nurse. Again, thank you, Salem alumni, for making a great difference in my life." Listy Barnhart '15

"I can not possibly express my gratitude enough for being selected as a recipient of the Nina J. Cone and Stephen F. Cone Music Scholarship. Thank you so much for your continued support of my studies. . . . I feel honored to know that my alumni association takes my studies so seriously. With this scholarship I am closer than ever to my goal of graduating from the Dana School of Music debt free, which is an amazing feeling. It is awesome and humbling to see such incredible support for the arts." Brenna Price '12

"My plans include Army basic training in July as I have joined the Ohio National Guard. My studies will begin at the University of Cincinnati in January 2016 with a major in criminal justice. I would like to thank the alumni association for my recent scholarship. It is an honor to have been selected for this award, and it will be a tremendous help with my college fees." Bransen Panezott '15

"Thank you for awarding me with the $5600 Academic Merit Scholarship. Your support is appreciated greatly. This organization makes postsecondary education a reality for people who have considered it a dream. I am planning to major in advertising with a minor in design. With this education I plan to help our local businesses and communities draw in more customers. I have a special interest in the arts and also plan to support the art programs in our community. This scholarship is helping me to reach my goal." Brianna Parfaite '15

"This note brings sincere gratitude for your selecting me to receive the Max Fisher Athletic Scholarship and the J.Robert Sebo Achievement Scholarship. Your financial generosity will help me pursue my engineering degree at the University of Akron." Jesse Slocum '15

"I am very thankful for the opportunity to be receiving the Memorial Book Award. I appreciate all that is done for Salem's alumni. This money will help me to continue my education and pursue my dream of being a teacher." Kayleigh Null '12

FROM 2014

""Ever since I was a small child, I dreamed of being an airplane pilot. Since I was just recently named a recipient of the J. Robert Sebo College Scholarship, my dream is starting to come to reality. Without Salem's alumni association many students would not be able to pursue their dreams. I not only received financial support for school, but I met Mr. Sebo, who has given me confidence with finishing my schooling. I will be sure to stop in every semester to share with you my progress or just to say hello. It is amazing to be a part of the nation's best alumni association. Without each and every one of you, it would never be possible." Lance Leininger ‘12

"I'm writing to express my sincere gratitude to all of you and to the Hickey and Peters family. I was appreciative and honored to be the first recipient of the Lois A. Peters Memorial Business Scholarship. She was an inspirational and wonderful woman. The financial assistance you provided me with these past four years has been a great help as I pay my educational expenses. I hope one day I will be able to help others achieve their goals just as you and all the generous donors have helped me." Christina Gentile ‘11